Saturday, October 04, 2008

3" of Snow

Yes, that's right, it snowed up at Bachelor today. I wasn't up there, but got in a 20 mile ride before calling it quits for the day. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to ride with my compression stocking on our not but I figure it can't hurt, other than to wear it out faster. It's tough, I went for my bimonthly blood test yesterday and my INR was down to 1.8. It's supposed to be between 2-3 so they had to up my Coumadin dosage again. My workouts cause my body to metabolize the medicine faster so now that I'm up to full workout I hope it will stabalize.

Today we made a grand purchase...a Kitchen Aid mixer. The first thing to get mixed up - homemade banana cream pie completely from scratch.

1 comment:

Rockin' said...

Good to hear you are back biking.

Your Hop Trip is back along with my cask-conditioned Jubelale.