Thursday, October 02, 2008

I've been busy lately! I had company for a week and we spent a lot of time out and about. We walked around Shevlin Park and had a nice wine, bread, cheese, fruit picnic one day, we had a WONDERFUL dinner at Merenda's one night, enjoyed all the new seasonal beers at Deschutes (MY HOP TRIP IS BACK!!!). Now that Derek is in culinary school he is even more interested in food.

I'm still riding and swimming a lot. I won a subscription to WEND magazine as part of a commute challenge. I really dig that mag! I need to get a new rear fender for my bike so that when I ride to and from work I don't get the brown stripe on my butt when it rains/snows. That is coming you know. Today it rained for my swim. Nice and refreshing.


stiv said...

Hi Heidi:

Glad you one the subscription. Send me an email, yeah?

stiv said...

oops, I mean 'won'. I have no business emailing before coffee.

Unknown said...

I'm still waiting for that corn salad recipe from Derek. Or is it a secret?