Friday, September 28, 2007

Anything Could Happen

Stark contrast. I rode the last few days at lunch under sunny skies and warm conditions and now I see on ODOT's Trip Check that is is snowing on Santiam Pass and Willamette Pass. That's Autumn for you.

I have a road loop I like to do during lunch and it's what I rode on Wednesday. I don't have a computer thingy on my cross bike and I don't wear a watch so I had no idea how long I had before I needed to get back. So, I hammered. I hammered a little harder than normal because I got back too early...only took me 43 minutes.

I ordered one of those Cho-Pat knee straps the other day and should get it soon. I'll see if it does anything to alleviate knee pain. I'm always hopeful but how long can one hold out hope really? I guess worse things could happen.

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How about a Stryker Triathlon Knee