Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Double Whammy

It was a PERFECT day out today if you like warm weather. It all started with a beautiful sunrise and brisk ride to work. I went in early so I could catch up on some work. I don't mind too much because I get paid for overtime and I had woken up early anyway. Then, I rode during lunch and worked up quite a sweat by the time I was finished. It was one of those days where I was just feeling really good and solid. My knee wasn't bothering me too much and I took advantage of it.

I switched it up and swam after work. By the time I got to the pool it was already 7:15 so I got to enjoy a peaceful swim in the near dark. Good times.

Tomrorow is Farmers Market day so you can rest assured I'll walk over to get my favorite..Oatmeal Raisin cookie!

Take care.

1 comment:

Chandra said...

Silly bean! I thought you WEREN'T swimming!!!! :)