Thursday, November 15, 2007

Just a thought

"Most people are too busy living life to ever put life in their living..."

~Doug Firebaug

I saw this quote the other day on a workout website and it made me smile. Sure, you can "live" everyday and just go through the motions, but are you really living? Makes you think, huh? Are you happy, do you do the things you want to do and are you inspired? Hopefully you answer yes.

I put in another long swim the other day after work. It's funny because I am a pretty self motivated person and there are always little tricks my mind plays on me to keep me striving for the best. Last night I was actually done with the distance I planned to swim but for the last 15 minutes I had been slowly gaining on the guy I was splitting a lane with. It was usually only 1 or 2 feet year lap, but just that little bit was like a carrot dangling in front of me (or a beer, or some nachos). So, I vowed to keep swimming until I caught him. Just that little thing kept me motivated and I eventually did catch him!

1 comment:

Matt McFee said...

Great post, Heidi. You inspired me to post my favorite poem of the same ilk. Check it out...