Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My skin smells like chlorine

Basically no snow fell last night. Up at my house it looked like it might have snowed for a minute but the roads were like a slicktrack. I had an incredible urge to pull the emergency brake and spin in circles. Why at that point does my rational side have to kick in?

I had a great swim this afternoon - warmed up with an easy 400 meters, then did some drills for another 200 meters and then was the main set... 12 reps of 100 meters leaving every 2 minutes and 10 seconds. That means I start the timer and swim 100 meters. When I'm done I let the timer run until it reaches 2:10 and then repeat. So if I'm swimming fast then I get more rest, if I'm swimming slow I get no rest. It isn't a great speed by any means and I found myself easily completing those intervals. Next time I'll bump it down to 2:05 maybe...still seems like too much rest though. Just to give those of you who are metrically challenged a frame of reference, a football field is roughly 110 meters long. I followed it up with a few hundred yards of kicking and a few hundred yards of easy freestyle and backstroke.

You can't see it that great in this picture, but I caught a black widow at work.


Chandra said...

EWW! Yuck!!!! But why was it at your work? Hopefully nowhere where it could have bitten you. Ugh. I hate spiders.

Brent said...

doesnt look like a widow, unless its a male. Maybe its a Hobo spider?
icky anyway.

Heidi said...

It was definitely a widow...had the red one her belly and everything. I just couldn't get it to stand still to capture it.