Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Last night was the monthly meeting for the Executive Committee for the Bend Bella Cyclists. I try to maintain the website for the group...with little to no knowledge of websites. hahahhaa We're in the process of figuring out this year's sponsors. It's hard asking people for money and getting sponsors...just like it was in racing. I think people should just give us money.

As I'm writing this there is an insane bird pecking at the window in our guest bathroom trying to get in and it's driving me crazy! He's trying to get in the vent. Apparently the cover came off and now there is a nest in there.

Pretty bird, pretty bird

Back to bikes though. I realize I never really finished my history so tomorrow I'll jump back in time and try to get that up to speed. It really helps define who I am, or at least helps people understand where I've been. For now, I'll leave you with a random parting shot.

Have a good day!


Anonymous said...

hey this looks to be a regular updated journal! hooray!

What, you didn't like my daisy comment?? :)

Anonymous said...

More carnage please. I also like stories of introducing roadie friends to mtbing and then how funny it is when you stuff them on the trail :)