Tuesday, August 21, 2007

5 hours in the saddle

Saturday Derek and I had plans to start from Skyliner Snowpark and ride across Tumalo Trail, up North Fork, up Metolius Windigo to Flagline, down Flagline and down South Fork back to the lot. However, about 6 miles into it Derek broke three spokes on his front wheel. There was no way he'd make it the rest of the ride so he had to walk down North Fork and pedal gingerly back to the car. I marched on with the plan to ride as previosuly decided, only instead of going down South Fork, I'd continue across Swede Ridge, down Sector 16, Whoops, and Phil's and then ride home. Whew. That was a total of 5 hours actually riding. It was beautiful up on Flagline. It really did feel like a fall day with a bit of crispness to the air. I passed at least 10 people up on Flagline but was surprized to find NO ONE on Phil's. That hasn't happened very many times on a Saturday afternoon!

Self photos are hard to take.

Afterwards we went back to the Bend Brewfest to finish off the beers we hadn't tasted on Friday night. One of my favorites was the New Old Lompoc C-Note Imperial IPA. At 6.9% alcohol it isn't a lite beer. It's a very hoppy beer that packs a punch. Overall the event was great - 50 or so beers all in one location for you to try. It's a great way to spend the evening chatting with friends and hanging out. I saw people there that I hadn't talked to in months. I would have liked the bands to be a bit better, but oh well.


Mmmmm, beer.


Chandra said...

Breaking spokes....how exactly does one do that?

Heidi said...

He was behind me so I didn't see it, but he said something about a log getting jammed in it.