Wednesday, May 07, 2008


This is Sunday is the Webcyclery Chainbreaker mountain bike race here in Bend. I'm not racing but I'm volunteering to help with registration, setup, and operation of it. It should be a great day to race or spectate!

I've been doing a lot of swimming lately, got a bike ride in after work yesterday too. Most of the actual pain in my knee has gone away, now it just feels odd. It feels like there is extra stuff in there or something. I've been using a foam roller to massage my quads and IT band. I just lay on it and slowly roll down the muscle. It hurts pretty bad since my muscles are tight, but it's a good hurt. At acupuncture the other day we started using electric stimulation again. Little electrodes are hooked up to needles placed in points forming a circle around my knee. Then currents are sent across my knee cap at hi and low frequencies. It is supposed to stimulate soft tissue growth. I had a lot of this done both before and after my knee surgery. I'm so thankful that my health insurance covers these eastern medicine practices. $5 for acupuncture! WOOHOO

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