Thursday, January 03, 2008

Space Coaster

Shazam! Skate skiing last night was fast! The trails were all hard packed snow and it had probably melted a bit in the afternoon and then refroze so it was a bit icy. Night skiing is kind of spooky at times. Standing there in the darkness with just a halo of soft light shining in front of me, I look around. I can't see very far so everything I can see, I study. As I head out Tangent loop and then make the sharp left and head up heartbreak hill, I struggle to keep a smooth motion...arms tight in, elbows bent, smooth. It's like an elegant dance only instead of a glamorous bright red backless dress with shiny sequins, I'm in technical materials that wick and dry. Instead of having my hair done up in curls, I'm wearing a beanie that covers my ears. No music is swirling around me, all I hear is the sound of skis scraping ice and my poles sticking in the snow. I rocket down the backside and scare myself silly as I have one hell of a time keeping it under control at high speeds with icy turns. Ahhhhh, life is good.

1 comment:

Matt McFee said...

A metaphorical/poetic side of Heidi I have never seen. You're getting crunchy in your old age.