Friday, March 28, 2008

I haven't been feeling inspired to write much of interest lately. I've been busy keeping busy. After riding all last weekend it looks like I'll be skate skiing all this weekend. I had to laugh at my next door neighbor who turned his sprinklers on about 2 weeks ago and has been watering his lawn in the snow. What a waste.

I'm sure anyone in Bend reading this is sick and tired of hearing about it, but folks out of town absolutely need to know that apparently Bend has "made it". heheheh - the Grand Opening of Trader Joe's is today. I probably won't go for a few weeks because I am not fond of shopping with crowds. I do need to pick up some ingredients for the most awesomest ginger cookie ever. They carry the candied ginger I need. I'll post the recipe.

Well, have a good weekend!


Matt McFee said...

Damn I love a good giner cookie.

Unknown said...

I'm still waiting for the artchoke,
spinach Lasanga recipe.