Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Let's be honest, my road bike is second fiddle. I hardly take care of it and almost never clean it. Well, I paid the price for that yesterday on my ride when I got a flat tire. The rims should be silver, but they're black...same with the spokes. I think it's time for a good bike bath.

Derek and I went down to Deschutes for happy hours last night - our last time in a few weeks! It was rough getting up this morning. I faintly remember some guy buying everyone beer.

August 15th in Bend means the elk are done mating and Flagline trail opens up for mountain biking! WOOHOO! I know what I'm doing after work!

1 comment:

Tuco said...

Wow, nice photography on your blog. You have a lot more patience than I do to stop and take photos!
I'm pretty lax about wheel and frame cleaning. I wear .99cent gloves when I fix flats etc to cut down on the dirt that gets onto my fingers.

If you get a chance, check http://tucorides.blogspot.com for a Canadian cycling blog.
Take care!