Friday, December 15, 2006


I only WISH the equation was that simple. Instead, this is what I worked with =IF(AND($A9="new",$E9<=F$6),($C9*F$4*8+$D9*173.33),IF(NOT($A9="new") ,IF($E9<=F$6,($C9*F$4*8+$D9*173.33)*(1+$D$5),($C9*F$4*8+$D9*173.33)),0))Yes, that right there was the crux of my problem yesterday. I've moved past it and am feeling like a superb conqueror today.

It snowed last night! But, not before raining hard and then freezing. So, the ride this morning to work was great fun. I knew I made a good choice when I got down to Brookswood and the line of cars was at least 50 before reaching the roundabout. Instead of taking the "busy" street, I cut through some backroads to stay away from the crazies. Crossing Wilson I was witness to one lucky driver who couldn't make it over the overpass because he had NO traction in his tires. He gunned it, slid around, then backed down the hill onto a side street before giving it another go as he was treated to honks from people all over. Way to make him feel better people.

I was happy to not have to wait in a line at all. I smiled as I cut down the hillside and across the field of white towards the building.


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