Monday, December 18, 2006

Candles Like the Old Days

Our power went out this morning at about 6:30. It going out actually woke me up since I'm such a light sleeper. I gathered up the candles, found my cell phone, and called the power company. We have the number already written down by the phone because this isn't the first time in the past week the power has gone off. My neighbors behind me have power, Crap, all their lights are probably why I DON'T have power! I take a shower and get dressed for work, eat my breakfast while reading the paper by candlelight, and get ready to go. I was going to drive today because my car will die if I don't drive it at least once a week and I have errands to do after work anyway. So I go out to the garage and realize the door won't open. I find the step ladder and with flashlight in one hand, pull the handle attached to the rope that is hanging down. It reads "Notice, if door is obstructed pull down on handle to open." So I do this and the handle rips off the cord and I almost lose balance and fall off the ladder. I try pulling the cord a couple more times but by now I'm late and really pissed. So I stomp back inside, get changed into my riding clothes, and ride to work. I just called our house and the power is still off.

Happy Monday.

1 comment:

Chandra said...'s a good thing you didn't actually fall? Still laughing at you though, 'cause I can so relate to those types of Mondays! :)