Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bike Polo

I got this email the other day and was intrigued:

This thurs. July 19th at 7:30pm at the the Highland Magnet Elementary School (7th and Newport) parking lot (in back caddycorner to Harmon park), Bend will have its first (that I know of) Bike polo game!!

"Whats bike polo?" you may be mulling over in your not-so-metro-savvy-head. Well, its a game, supposedly a national sport for some country but most importantly its a chance to get together and move at breakneck speeds towards your friends and strangers with a golf club sized mallet in your hand...... just remember the whole eye for an eye, whole worlds blind and not biking thing.

Heres a site thats got a YouTube thinger so you can see what you might be getting into:
or we'll probably be playing a version of their game

any bike will do, we have some crochet mallets but anything like a golf club or make your own device will do.... Also, I have to advise helmets and knee pads are recommended but not at your own risk. Come and play or just watch the madness unfold!


Anonymous said...

Swinging golf clubs while on a bike? Sounds like a club in spoke disaster waiting to happen.

I guess grass hurts less at least.

Chandra said...

LOL are you going to go?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for trying bike polo and including our link in your post. Check out Bicycle Retailer Magazine for that came out in mid June, we made the cover. Not Bicycling Mag perhaps, but not bad either.

Brent said...

how the heck did I miss this???