Sunday, July 22, 2007

Long Hot Day

Yesterday we went for a monster ride in Oakridge. I can't give you exact mileage, I can only piece together what I think it was from our map. It looks like around 30 miles with somewhere in the field of 5500' of climbing and uh, yah, some hiking too. We actually probably hiked a few miles all together. The sun was smothering us and it was impossible to drink in all we sweated out. The first 6 miles were pretty flat and then the next 10 were all uphill and then the rest was downhill followed by uphill with lots of undulation. No crashes, but plenty of near misses, and lots of scratches from overgrown brush Enough words.

You can't see the salt sweat stain on my shorts good enough.

Derek had a minor meltdown about 2/3 through the ride and while I waited, I looked for the lucky 4 leaf clover.

Here he is REFUSING to smile or look at the camera.


Anonymous said...

Your first photo is my favorite. I love the color behind the cyclist - simple and beautiful.

Thanks for sharing with us!

Anonymous said...

Stop torturing the poor guy! He's only human, and you're taking on these super-human/woman rides...

BTW - Nice Pics...

Anonymous said...


...although it's ok to kick Dana's ass... : )

Chandra said...

Awwww, that's a really sad picture of Derek! Hee hee. Does he know you posted that one? :)

Heidi said...

Pat - We were actually trying out a new loop to see if we should take Dana on it. I think we'll find a different loop :)

Keeneye - thanks. Some of those pics are hard to take credit for because the scenery is just so darn pretty that all I have to do is push the button and bingo!