Friday, September 22, 2006


For the record, today is the first day of autumn and for my ride into work it was a whole 29 degrees. I was dressed for it though with my full leg warmers, jacket, and fleece ear/headband. I love the feel of fresh cold air in my lungs and then the burn that starts up after the initial shock. I hope I can capture some fall color photos soon.

Tomorrow I'm taking a breaststroke swim clinic to spice up my swim workouts. I've always liked the looks of that stroke but I know I am not doing it right because it takes me about 25 strokes to make it 25 meters and that just isn't right. So I hope to straighten that mess out tomorrow. Then we're off to Stu and Linda's for a birthday BBQ - HAPPY BIRTHDAY STU!

Sunday I'd like to go for a mountain bike ride, there are only so many weekends left before more snow hits the upper altitudes so I think I'll head up to the high trails. Pictures will follow for sure!

Black bean, rice, and cheese buritto day! WOOHOO

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