Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Papercuts and Butterflies

My cross bike was due for a front brake adjustment and I knew it. Coming into the roundabout down from my house the front brakes would squeal loudly and scare drivers, not to mention they weren't actually stopping me or even slowing me down much. Now, just using the back brakes isn't enough to stop me in case I should need to. So, I stopped by Chandra's to pick up her mail while she's outta town and I was holding it in my right hand as I came riding up to her place at a good clip. I apply the brakes and remember they don't really work, go to grab the back brakes and realize my hand is full of mail and can't, transfer the mail to my mouth...yes that's right. I got a paper cut on the left corner of my mouth (lip). I finally threw the mail down and grabbed both brakes with all my might just stopping short of her front door and the bushes.

I just got back from my lunchtime ride and what is with all the butterflies out? I thought we just went through this not too long ago and then all the caterpillars resulted? Something I can confirm though; when the butterflies hit you they leave a little black smug. I'm not talking when they smash into you and die, just when they fly into your arm or leg or something. It's like a smug of ash. Weird.

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