Monday, April 09, 2007

NBC Cycling

It doesn't happen often...that domestic professional cycling races are televised, but Saturday it happened. I taped the US Open Cycling Championships held in Virginia and watched it after the fact. It was horrible weather at the starting line, in fact, the race was delayed because it was was blizzard like and about 20 degrees. They did ride for quite some time in snow and it looked brutal. The cobblestone hill they climbed I think 8 times at the end of the race looked tough. So tough, that Tuft won. hahaha I'm so clever. Sven Tuft ended up winning and he did a great big strong attack towards the end of the race. Good for him.

Sunday Derek and I went for a long mountain bike ride. Snowmelt is happening at a rapid pace this year with the warm March we had.

We rode straight from our house to the singletrack and then spent about 3.5 hours riding some great trails. For the first 2.5 hours we saw NOBODY! It started out rough for me, the potato cheese burrito I had for breakfast left me feeling horrible and I was still burping it up about 2 hours later. UHG

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