Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Weekend recap

Busy weekend. We went out to dinner and then had drinks at multiple places on Friday night. Saturday was kind of dreary so I did an indoor workout and then we headed down to the Silver Moon Brewery to listen to local band The Mostest. It was their CD release party and the place was PACKED!

We were wishy washy on whether we were going to do the Hutch's Bicycle preseason century on Sunday. I don't know why they have to start so early. It was barely above freezing when the time rolled around that we would have to leave. So, we decided not to. We waited until the afternoon when the sun came out and it warmed up, and then we did a giant ride around the area. It was three hours of backroads basically.

Look what I spotted off in a field!

Then I made some homemade apple pie to replenish the carbs we burned.


Chandra said...

Is that a real moose? Really? You saw one? I know that they mate up near Flagline...but I think I've always been sceptical. Just doesn't seem like moose country...

Heidi said...

hahahah - no it isn't real. It sure did catch my eye though!

Brent said...

ive been looking for them, but havent seen any myself!

Unknown said...

heck you see moose all around here all the time - here being the "Big Sky Country"