Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Last week I accepted an offer for a new job. Good thing, because on Monday Eschelon announced they are buying the company I currently work for. Press Release here

So I will be starting a new job March 15th. I'll still be able to bike to work because there are showers and it's only about 1/2 mile further away...BUT, I can take more trail to get to it and less streets.

It's as if my work computer knew it wasn't needed anymore. Yesterday when I came to work I smelled burning coming from my hard drive. Evidently the fan quit wokring and the motherboard fried. So I was without a computer most of the day. Wow, it takes something like that to make me realize just how much of my job is computer oriented..about 90%!

Snow is in the forecast and I think I'm going to try to get a ski in before work tomorrow.

Happy Wednesday!


Shannon said...

My husband was laid off from Unicom in October and when he heard that he was shocked.

Where is the new gig?

Heidi said...

Tell Brian I said HI! He was a fellow bike commuter. I'll be with the City of Bend.

Shannon said...

you were the one who inspired him, btw. his bike was stolen about a month after he was laid off so but he's doing a lot of freelance work right now so he is busy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi, You have good instincts. Good luck with the new job