Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Morning ski

Yesterday I went skate skiing before work. The second my eyes open I am fully awake. I don't really have a waking up period, so when I turned over and saw 6:03 I figured I'd go skiing! I threw some clothes on, ate a bowl of cereal, grabbed some work clothes and headed to the snow. I usually go to Bachelor, but before work will opt for Mesiner more often. I should have brought my classic skis because there as about 4" of powder on the trails. No worries, it made for more resistance and a better leg workout! Halfway up the tangent turnoff it started snowing. A little over an hour later I was done with my ski and on my way to work. I love winter.

When the time changes next weekend my morning ski will be in the dark. UHG

1 comment:

Karianne said...

I love winter too. But on the waking up, you and I are total opposites. I need lots of slow time before I can start the day. Our son on the other hand is just like you. He is up and running as soon as his feet hit the ground