Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Lunch Ride

Yesterday I went for a ride at lunch with a co-worker. It's nice to have someone to push me. When I was racing I spent a lot of time training on my own - it just wasn't a good use of time to try to train with someone because I had specific things I needed to do and my heart rate dictated how hard I had to go and what not. Sure, I ride with my husband a lot, but we've gotten so used to each other and he has a habit of just always riding behind me. So, I rarely get challenged unless I'm challenging myself. Yesterday was different though, I rode at whatever pace my coworker wanted and it was great when he cranked it up a notch and I had to chase. We headed up Skyliners and back for a good tempo ride. Oh, and get this, I was in short sleeves due to the heat wave!!!!

On the way back, about half a mile from the office I got a flat. Booooooo. Note to self...clean rims because they are FILTHY!

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