Thursday, February 15, 2007

First the healthy stuff. It has been nice enough at lunch the last few days to get rides in. I've been on my cross bike just kind of wandering and linking together backroads. I'm reading The Lady and the Panda right now and enjoying it. It's about Ruth Harkness, the first American who brought a panda back to the US. I can imagine it's me wandering through Shanghai, Chengdu...traveling through valleys and cliffs, camping in the ruins of a Buddhist temples...All that when really, I'm just riding along the river in Bend or back dirt roads and trails or something.

Hey, is that a trail?

On to the fabulous Valentines dessert! I was feeling brave and decided to make truffles. I watched some cooking shows, looked through some recipes and decided upon one. So here they are, chocolate truffles (three varieties). First there are the ones dipped in a peanut butter chocolate sauce sprinkled with powdered sugar, next you have ones rolled in chopped peanuts and last of all, some rolled in shredded coconut. The recipe made about 3 dozen so we have LOTS of leftovers. Sooooo good!

Have a good sugar high day!

I leave you with this: Man is the animal that intends to shoot himself out into interplanetary space, after having given up on the problem of an efficient way to get himself five miles to work and back each day. - Bill Vaughan


Karianne said...

How weird is this? I'm listening to The Lady and The Panda in my car this week. I'm really liking it too.

Thanks for the coconut photos. I love chocolate and coconut.

Heidi said...

Wow, that is pretty coincidental...glad you're liking it!

Anonymous said...

The truffles are yummy. Now try them in different flavors. You can use any liquor for the flavor. Try raspberry, almond, orange. I'd like to add chili.

Heidi said...

oooh, almond sound good! Thanks for the suggestion.