Friday, June 15, 2007

Come On Big Boy, Let's Go

What has gotten into people? I was out for a lunch ride in the nice sunshine with cool breezes blowing through the Old Mill and up ahead a bit is a bigger (in shape but just big) guy on a bike. A truck pulled out from the left and kind of cut him off so he sprints up next to the truck and yells at the guy, "Watch where you're going, you don't need to cut me off!" They stop next to each other at the stop sign at Bond and continue to yell at each other (with profanities). The guy on the bike is HEATED! He slams the truck with the side of his fist and dents the door in. Truck driver throws the truck in park and gets out. "Come on big boy let's go!". I'm still approaching from behind cautiously, wondering where this could possible go. Guy on bike puts his bike between himself and the truck driver and a little dance ensues as truck driver tries to get at bike rider. I swerve around them and continue on my merry way.

Lots going on again this weekend. I have big ride plans, and we're buying a new grill! Woohoo!

1 comment:

Chandra said...

I saw nothing on the news yesterday, so no shots were fired ... and I doubt any blood was shed. I am curious about how it ended though.