Monday, June 04, 2007

Death March

Saturday I rode with some people that were down from Washington. We did a gigantic loop that put me on the trails for most of the day. I started from home at about 8:00 and rode to meet them. We took a big looping route out KGB to and up Grand Slam, up Storm King, down Whoops, back up Upper Whoops, across Sector 16 and Swede Ridge, down South Fork, UP Farewell and all the way down Mrazek. It put my mileage with the ride from home above 50 miles and one of the guys with a GPS said 4700 of climbing so add a few hundred more for my ride. Whew! Sadly, I took no pictures except at the top of the hellish Farewell climb. It was probably in the high 80's temp wise, with little to no wind the whole climb. It's dusty and steep - nuff said. I had suntan lotion on, then got dusty, then put some bug spray on, then got dusty again, then sweated to death and got more dirt... beautiful.

I really enjoy riding with different people. I rode most of the way down Mrazek with a guy named Dave that moved to the states from South Africa and he had so many great stories. That's what mt. biking is about - meeting people, seeing new places and having fun.

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