Monday, October 09, 2006

Castle Rock

About 1:20 drive from Bend is a trail called Castle Rock. Again, we were in search of something new to ride, again, we weren't disappointed. The book suggested the route as a 14.5 mile loop of 3-5 hours which would put us climbing a gravel road and then singletrack. I pushed for an out and back on the singeltrack and am really happy we did the ride that way. Even though it turned it into about a 12 mile ride, those miles were packed with climbing (2370'), switchback heaven, heavily forested trails, and panorama views. Some of the picture didn't turn out that great because it's so dark back in the forest.

Don't stop for too long or moss will start growing on you!

The switchbacks got increasingly steep and difficult, the progression was nice.

Those clouds are coming for us!

Upon getting back to our car, we decided to tack on another loop ride in the area. This one was another doozy of a climb (2390') over 6 miles, followed by a 3 mile roaring descent. Rain was threatening for our entire second ride so we kept the pace as high as our legs would allow. The downhill section is a gigantically long straight singletrack that follows the ridge in the forest. It was downright dark in spots! It switchbacked some before popping us back out at the car. Once in the car, it started raining.

Unfortunately, the sign was not kidding at all.

Tired and happy again.


Chandra said...

You make me laugh Heidi. Just "tack on" another loop with a 2390' climb! LOL. Fabulous views.

Mancil said...

I love the sign - Great Picture