Sunday, October 29, 2006

Crater goodness

Paulina Lake one a calm, quiet Saturday morning. We were the only car in the lot, and we didn't see any other mountain bikers all day. Ahhhhhhh.

That's the obsidian lava flow in the distance behind me.

It's unfortunate they were doing controlled burning out along Cascade Lakes Highway because it destroyed the awesome view from the top of Paulina Peak.

Normally you can see every mountain peak imaginable from the top, but not Saturday. I think the ride is around 24 miles if you add on the ride past the trailhead and to the top. The weather was perfect short sleeve weather and although I didn't need them, I wore knee warmers too. I don't know how much longer this great weather is going to last, but I'm sure going to take advantage of it while it does. Skate ski time is just around the corner, but until then I have trails to ride. Get busy!

Derek was practicing with different techniques for this one...turned out neat.

It was a nice afternoon ride and possibly the last time we get out there until next summer, although I've been thinking of getting back up to the top very soon for some sunset photos.

Saturday night we went and heard a local Bend rock band called Hogwash. I really really liked them and will keep an ear out for their next concert.

1 comment:

Chandra said...

Nice jersey! :) Looks like you two had a fabulous ride. I'm jealous, 'cause who knows when we're going to have another weekend like this last one.