Monday, October 02, 2006

Saturday we felt like samplng something new and different so we pulled out the maps and books, flipped pages, compared ideas, and loaded up the car. On tap: Surveryor's Epic with Dogfish River. It was described as being 33.2 miles, 5-8 hours, with around 3000'of climbing and the same of descending. The fires from California are causing haze on the horizon so the views weren't as crisp as they could be. This ride gives you at least 5 lookouts where you are across the valley from Mt Hood. The fall colors were representing big time! It starts with a very gradual climb on the road, then slightly steeper on gravel, then you hit some very steep singletrack climbs where you just have to put your head down and grind. The book mentions walking sections because it's so steep and loose. Once at the peak you descend to the starting of Surveryor's. We rode the entire Surveryor's singletrack, turned right on a fireroad for a few miles and hooked up with the Dog River downhill. That trail drops around 3000' in around 5 miles through some really steep switchbacks and very fun traverses.

Here are some pics.

The view of Mt. Hood from where we started.

Lots of Autumn reds and yellows.

Fun little rock sections

The view of Hood after having climbed 2000'

Me coming off a little rock drop section

Almost to the end of the trail.

We ended up taking a tiny bit over 5 hours and were good and ready for some food.


Anonymous said...

Very sweet! Surveryor's Ridge was my all time favorite ride (did it in 1997) until I rode MRT. But I have to say the for me, North Fork/Mrazek/Shevlin has top honors now. Thanks for the memories!


Heidi said...

If you haven't been up here when the higher stuff was snow free then you need to still check out North Fork/Flagline. That loop ain't too shabby either.