Wednesday, October 04, 2006

What the hell???

What is wrong with my cross bike, pedaling to work today I noticed some play in the left pedal/crank/cleat. I tried to ignore it because I didn't have a tool with me, just a spare tube and pump. I get to the door, hop off and start assessing things. I reach out to grab the crank and barely turn it and POP, off comes the left crank. That's the second time in a year this has happened despite tightening it down LIKE CRAZY after last time. Luckily the tech guys here at work have full tool sets and I was able to fix it. Note to self, take it easy on the left leg power...hehehe

I rode to the pool after work yesterday and about half an hour into my swim when I was doing the breaststroke, I strained a muscle in my left groin. Anyone else ever done this? I bet it never happens to these guys:

It sucks. I finished up going the regular freestyle for the rest of my workout and then rode home and iced it. Damn I hope it goes away. I feel old.

Tonight is the last night of Thrilla in the Milla. The weather forecasters claim that it's going to rain, I hope it does. I'll probably head down to cheer Derek on. If you're in Bend and have a mountain or cross bike, come on out and race. It's no big deal if you never have before, it will be exciting!

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