Thursday, October 12, 2006

Number of riders seen on the trail yesterday at lunch...ZERO!

Lunchtime rides are some of my favorite rides because I usually have the trails to myself. I rode my cross bike again yesterday and did a new loop. If I do a moderate paced ride from work to the Phil's trailhead, then ride up Phil's to the chicken, turn right and head up and over to Kent's, make another right and loop all the way back to the trailhead again and back to work then I can be near the building in one hour 15 minutes. For people not in the know - a cross bike is most easily explained as being a hybrid mountain bike/road bike. It looks mostly like a road bike, but has fatter tires and sturdier wheels with no suspension. So, it's a bit slower on the road but can take mellow trails with no problem. It is a different feeling riding those trails on a cross bike.

Pedal, pedal, pedal leeeeean into the corner
Tires cut through the sand
Will the line hold?
Will I go down?

Bank it off the berm
Shoot through the trees
Hammer up the rise
Coast with the breeze

It's a great feeling to get something out of your surroundings. In my past jobs I have spent far to many lunches sitting at my desk working. No more.

No pictures from the ride, I was lazy and didn't bring my camera. I did snap a SUPER quick picture this morning though. It isn't the best, but hey, it has to do.

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