Thursday, June 15, 2006

After a winter of commuting in the snow and sometimes rain, freezing temps, and crushed lava rock, the headset on my Titus is shot. It takes a bit of force to turn the handlebars past about 45 degrees either way. 90 degrees and it sticks! Nevertheless, I commuted on it yesterday. It needs some major love now and I think I'll take my road bike today; I feel like going fast.

This was me in action during the race, sorry for the bad quality, I was going too fast for the photographer! hahaha

Gosh, I hope I can find a spot. I really should have left earlier so I didn't have to squueze in somewhere.

Not sure what I'll ride after work. Decisions, decisions. Road or mtn? Ok, which mountain bike then?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha! thats the bummer about bike commuting. Finding some parking.....