Saturday, June 03, 2006

Out of Towners

Friday night ended up being a better ride than the morning one. It was warm and relatively "nice" out (not raining). I rode from work out to the Phil's complex and lost myself in singletrack. I ended up running into a group of people down from Washington and setup a ride for today. You know, mountain bikers are just cool people.

Saturday morning I stuffed my camelback with food and clothes and headed out for a loooooong ride with the WA group. We rode for a good 5 hours and hit a lot of my favorite trails here in Bend. I had a great day and it was perfect riding weather. I forgot I even had a camera with me until almost the end of the ride so I didn't capture much, sorry.

Mrazek is a tight twisty tree lined trail that keeps you honest, looks like she wasn't.

No snow!

Bob pushed me to descend Mrazek faster than I think I ever have, but I refused to follow him on this. I don't know why I was so chicken of that today.

If butterflies are free to fly, why do they fly away, leavin' me to carry on and wonder why? (Great, do I have to pay royalites are something now?)

They were a great group of riders, that are clearly game for death it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bend looks aweful, you should move to texas.