Friday, June 09, 2006

Yesterday's ride up to Bachelor was mellow, Derek wasn't feeling well so we took it slightly easy. We beat the rush outta town. On our way back down into Bend we passed at least 12 riders heading up. I love that ride, very little traffic, great views of the area, good shoulder for the most part, and good climbing. I only sucked down one bug this time too!

I told him to look happy here.

This is actually from a different day, I didn't get a good pic of the mtn. yesterday unfortunately. This will do though, it's the same view.

I'm sure busy at work. Here is the clean side of my desk.

We leave for the Ashland 12 Mile Super D race tomorrow. This will be my second non XC race, should be exciting.

1 comment:

Arleigh Jenkins said...

those glasses are so from the tour of '00. Get up to date!!

Thanks for the kind words, I hope to be healed soon.