Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Do you remember?

Who remembers there first big crash as a kid? I do for sure, I still have a small scar from it. I was in Kindergarten. We lived at the bottom of a big hill and the best thing to do was to ride up to the top and then turn around and fly down it. I wasn't too good at turning and timing though. So, up to the top of the hill I went on my pink Powder Puffer. I came screaming down the hill and just turned the bars to go in our driveway (still going pretty fast), and supermaned it over the bars and slid across the street on my face. It knocked me out and the neighbor and my mom had to peal me off the road and get me to the hospital. I remember waking up in the hospital very concerned that my left shoe was missing. Those shoes were my favorite, red, blue, green, and red checkered Vans. I ended up with stitches up under my top lip inside my mouth, some under my nose, and a whole lot of scabs.

What made me think of this all of a sudden? This picture...check out those cool knee pads on the girl on the left!


Anonymous said...

I remember mine. Thats a great photo haha

Anonymous said...

Heidi, you crack me up. Very funny. I don't remember my first crash but I remember how I used to sled down this big hill right then right across the street. Never occurred to me that a car might be coming.