Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Cruiser Day!

Sometimes I mix-up the bikes I’m commuting on. The last two days have been on my DEAN since I went mountain biking straight from work. I thought today I would take my cruiser. So, in honor of BAH

7 Speed, Giant Simple 7

This cruiser comes with a story though. When I was all into the 100 mile races, I raced and won the Epic 100 National Championship and this was one of my prizes. Tinker won it for the guys, and he autographed it for me! SWEET!!!

This isn't your ordinary cruiser. It doesn't just see boardwalks and sidewalks, it's an XTREME cruiser! It has a couple spots of duct tape on it. hehehe I remember one was from Thanksgiving when I rode it to some friends house for dinner. There was a little jump ramp set up and the crusier told me she wanted to take it, so we did. Only, the chain guard snapped in half when I hit the ramp.

How cool would it be to commute on one of these classics? Sure, you can’t pedal them, but they have style!

1948 Going Ape

1950 VESPA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm honored :) You gotta admit it was fun yes???