Tuesday, June 06, 2006

This week is Commute Options Week here in Bend. Basically, do what you can to get off the road. It's no biggie for me because I usually ride my bike every day anyway, but it's good to see people coming out of the woodwork.

I headed out for today's ride with really no plan. I just rode to the trails and picked a way. I'm not the best photograper, I basically just point and shoot. Here's the section I was talking about the other day...they made a little bridge across a regularly mucky section of my commute. Look way at the end of the rocks and you can see it. Good on em.

There are so many thiings to take pictures of, so many pretty forest scenes, views of mountains, rivers, lakes, deer, rocks, flowers...but anyone can do that, that's easy. Instead, I bring you this.

I call it "Big Pile O'Sticks". Hmmm, here's a stick. I'll put it on the ground here. Wow, here's another, let's put it by the other one...

After pedaling through a couple hours of trees, I got a grumbling in my tummy and decided to head home. As I was hucking off a couple rocks on my way back to the road, I got a flat. It really just seemed like it was getting low, so I tried to pump it back up and get it to reseal. Stan's wasn't having any of that. So I pulled over in a little golf course community, sat down on the soft grass, and went about changing the flat.

Now, this is a true test of community. As I sat there, strippiing the rim tape and installing a tube, a little old couple pulled up. "Do you need help honey?" asked the old man. I smiled and cheerfully told them I had it under control. The old lady was worried though, "You can tell us, don't be ashamed. We'll give you a ride somewhere if you need, dear." hahahah they were so nice! Soon after they pulled over, I had another guy in a truck pull up to see if I needed help, a group of 4 roadies, and one mountain biker. That almost made me happy to get a flat!

Oh, heads up, don't forget Fathers Day is Sunday.

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