Friday, June 02, 2006

Let's just say that today doesn't look like this

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After a beautiful evening for riding, I woke up to the sound of rain this morning. It was a pretty constant pattering and my dogs refused to go outside so I knew it was bad. Oh well, I can't let that stop me. So I dug out my rain gear, suited up, and mountain biked to work. I was alone for my commute except for 1 lady who was walking her dog. The trails were empty! Down along the river I hit a couple patches of mud and was worried about the one section of trail where they have built a series of little bridges and ladders to circumvent the mud pits. Even in summer when it hasn't rained for weeks, there is mud there. It's a mystery. Anyway, I was surprized to see a brand new section of bridge that had been installed. SWEET!

Fridays are reason to celebrate, and I feel like I did this morning with a great ride in.

Have a good one.

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