Well, I'm an aunt again! My brother and sister-in-law had their second boy. I'll post a pic tomorrow, I forgot to forward it to my work email this morning. My sister isn't due now until the end of December so I have some time to practice up on my auntness.
On my ride home last night I saw some clever kids trick or treating on their bikes. Brilliant - you can cover more ground and collect more candy!!! Since our dogs are basically out of control and extra vicious, we can't really open our doors to a bunch of kids. So, we turned all the lights off and went over to some friend's house to help them hand out candy. And eat. And drink.
I read in the paper today that Bon Bien on the eastside of Bend was sold and the new owners are going to make it an upscale nightclub and dance place...with a dress code! It is pretty much the only thing like it on the eastside, and the only nightclub type place with a dress code in Bend. So, I'll be interested to see if it works out.
I'm hoping to get a ride in at lunch today since it's supposed to rain for the next few days. I have an assorted variety of warm layers to pick from so I think I'm prepared. BRING IT!