Thursday, November 16, 2006

Happy Anniversary

Today was my week year anniversary of getting hit by a car while riding at lunch. Guess what? Some guy got hit today riding his bike just down the street from where I was hit! Looks like some lady was pulling out of Columbia and never even saw him. His leg looked hurt and his bike was mangled. Police and ambulance were rolling to the scene. Here is what I propose. SLOW THE HELL DOWN PEOPLE. Cars are dangerous and should be treated as such, not driven recklessly and absent minded. Focus on what you are doing and look out for everything! Hitting a pedestrian or cyclists should have the punishment of losing your license. We have mass transportation now, violators should be forced to take the bus everywhere they go for a year. That would teach them to be more mindful of the death contraptions they are in.



Chandra said...

Hear, hear! But of course, you know that's how I feel! Wait I'm confused though...did you mean one week anniversary? Did you hit your head on that car? :P

Heidi said...

Good catch, I fixed it.