Monday, November 13, 2006


Yep, we finally got some snow in town! I decided to hop on my trainer yesterday and get a good hour of spinning in to get the blood flowing through my muscles and flush all the "bad stuff" out - basically just to loosen up. So while I watched football I rode. Through the blinds I could see a couple little white particles blowing around outside. Then it got heavier and heavier and then later in the evening there was a good 2" at least covering the ground. YAY!!!!!!!! Brittany of course had to spend time outside running around and playing several times. Each time she would come in COVERED in snow and happy. Tonight I'll post pics I tried to take of her.


Hack said...

ANy of the trails good in the snow?

Heidi said...

Some of the lower stuff is ok, but once it gets more than 5" it's pretty tough to ride in. Most people just make the switch to their winter sport.